When you come to me for prayer...know that it is done in the name of Jesus Christ!!!!

Hi there and Happy Monday to you. I pray this day is off to a great start and will just be the beginning of a great week for you and yours! It is a bitter cold here this morning with temps being 1 degree and our high projected at only 14 today. As I am looking out the window I see it is beginning to snow a little bit....oh man, I don't want to see this as we already have 2 foot on the ground that will take weeks for it to all melt! I am ready for spring flowers, warmer temps and sunshine on a daily basis, but since I cannot have that as of yet, I will just sit here looking at the beauty God is giving us and be happy to be alive to enjoy it! 

I have had a huge amount of prayer request the last few days, I would like to ask you all if you will pray with me for each of these and stand on your faith that things will get better for those who give me the honor of praying with and for them. Many have come with health related issues whether it be a cold, the flu, sinus infections, cancer, broken bones, etc...the list goes on and on. Father God we ask you today to see the ailments in each body and to lay your healing hands upon them, take away the pain, the fevers, and the aches. Allow these people rest so that their bodies can begin to heal and allow their minds peace and knowledge that you are with them every step of the way. Father we know your will is for some to come home to paradise so that they can begin their journey in paradise, if this be the case provide them with comfort and calm in knowing that they will be forever in your loving arms, walking beside you and never will feel any of the ills of this earth again. Many are dealing with the loss of loved ones, they wake up each morning with aches in their hearts feeling lost and alone. Father wrap your robes of comfort around these people and allow the spirit of their loved ones to be around them, allow them a smell, a phrase, a spark of something that will comfort them with the knowledge that although they cannot see the one who has crossed over, that the spirit is still with them and will never leave them. Father for those of us struggling with finances, provide for us a way to make it through the storm, always be our lighthouse showing us the way to salvation. So many feel they are sinking in the sea of dispair, that there will not be enough to feed them, to pay their bills, to keep them from loosing all that they possess, calm our minds God, allow us freedom from the stress, allow us knowledge that through you a plan has been laid out, a book has been written and as long as we have faith that you will never let us be without. Heavenly Father so many are being worn thin with unruly children, children who are making poor choices and bad decisions, so many are literally sick with worry for the safety and well being of them. Allow these parents knowledge as to the best way to deal with their children, give them strength to do what is right and to stand against the evil that is threatening to take their child from them, open the hearts of these children and allow them to see what they are doing, prompt them to repentance and hold them in your loving arms while they begin to make the necessary changes to get back on track. Father God, so many are facing difficulties in their relationships, be with them as they make decisions as to what is best and healthy for their hearts, open their eyes Father that they might see what is needed to find true love, to find their forever partner and then counsel the both of them as to what is most effective to keep that love from fading or tarnishing, if they are making decisions to change places, to walk away, to start over, be with them so that they know they are walking the path which will lead them from the storm so that they too can see the rainbow. Father for all of us who are struggling with our problems allow those who are not at the moment to have compassion, to have love, to have empathy, and to be kind. Fill them with the knowledge that there are those who are jumping hurdles, who are climbing mountains, who are being battered by the seas of life. Send to each of us an angel this day who will smile at us and allow us to know that you are listening to our prayers, that you are indeed at work on solutions and that you will never leave us alone in the battles of life here on earth. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask for these mercies, favors, blessings, and an abundance of your love. Amen.

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