A prayer for all on the Carnaval Triumph....

Hello and happy Saturday, I pray your day is filled with only good things and that blessings are in abundance. I am feeling much better today, after weeks of haze and inversion we finally have blue skies, we can see the mountains to the east and the sun is shining happily....boy it is crazy how just a little tweak in the weather can lift ones spirits!

This was the blog I began to write yesterday, I was so excited with the weather that I never finished the blog, I sat out on my porch and just really soaked in the beauty that God was giving us....

Today I write....Hello and Happy Sunday to all...woo hoo another "tank filling day" be sure and fill it to the brim for you never know how long your journey will be this week....I sit at my window this morning once again seeing pea soup haze, no mountains to be seen and the wind is beginning to gust a bit here and there...no wonder my back is hurting so fiercely this morning...another storm is just on the horizon with more snow forecast for us...oh well, I know spring will be here sooner or later and all of this haze will be laid to rest for another season...

This morning I dedicate my blog to all who endured the Carnaval Triumph cruise...I have heard account upon account of the days spent in the squaller of the ship, I have heard many who are still not feeling well, who are suffering emotions distress, many who are still not back to normal even though they are home and they are safe. I can only stand and applaud each of you who were out there, there is no way for me to know how you felt, there is not way for me to know what you endured nor is there any way for me to help in what you are going though emotionally and physically...Many people who were not on the cruise are voicing their thoughts and feeling, many are trying to lesson the events of what took place and I am here to stand in agreement with the ones who were on the ship...if you were not on the cruise, if you did not endure the days and nights that they did, if you did not have to smell the stench day in and day out, if you did not have to be humiliated each time you relieved yourself, if you did not have to worry about having fresh water to drink and wonder what food you would eat, if you did not experience this first hand, shame on you for projecting and taking away from the ones who DID...I have to say I am so sorry and sad that anyone had to go through this and I also have to say that I have heard account after account the ones who turned to our Father in heaven for strength, the ones who read scriptures and never let go of their faith and their hopes....I stand and commend you for taking a situation that was literally "stinky" and turning it into a sharing of the gospel....amen and amen again!! I have no doubts that it was a major key in you all getting off that ship alive...I have no doubt that that prayer and sharing God's word is what made it as bearable as it was....I stand amazed that you held fast to your faith and you shared his love in this situation! YOU ROCK!!!!!!

Heavenly Father we come to you on bended knees giving thanks for all that you did to protect all of the people on the Carnaval Truimph, Father we know that there was much fear, much anxiety and much worry coming from each of them, there was fear of never seeing loved ones again, there was fear of the what would come on the long days and nights at sea. Father we thank you for covering each and every person on that ship with your robes of safety and your heart of love, we thank you for making a way for them to hold on and to be towed to shore. Father there are many struggling emotionally and physically with the conditions and many who are having a hard time with the trauma they endured, with each passing day allow them to let go of the horror they endured and allow them to revel in the what came from it, many new friendships were made, an abundance of new faith was found and many were brought to you through the power of prayer and the ones on that ship who shared scripture and faith with others. We know that all things happen for a reason Lord and we know that we will not know that reason until we are in paradise.....Father bless them with loss of memory of the bad and allow them memory of the good that came from this. In the name of Jesus Christ we lift each and every passenger up and hand them to you so that you can cleanse them and allow them peace, calm, and comfort from the storm they have endured, we ask that you make provision for them in all areas Father, in emotions, in spirits, in physical healing and in financial losses. We ask these things humbly. Amen

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