more prayers for baby Avery...PLEASE...

Good morning and happy "Pi" day...the skies are salmon streaked this morning, what a beautiful sight to behold! The sun has now topped the mountain and it looks as if it is going to be another gorgeous day here in Utah! I am so excited to see spring come sliding in kicking old man winter to the curb! I know it is still a bit early to plant the flowers BUT I know it is coming soon, very, very, soon! 

I am seeing that the little man we have been praying for is having yet another hurdle in his healing, he has been running fever for a few days without getting it to break, this morning at his check up he had to be admitted back into the hospital due to his white blood count being low and the continuing fever. Please pray with us that there is no infection in his body that will deter him from getting to take his chemo on the 26th. Please Father God wrap your robes of healing around this sweet little baby, he has been through so much, has never quit smiling and even without understanding he still shows joy and love to all. He is such a little hero, such a tiny inspiration, such an example of sheer pure love and trust. Bless his body and allow those white blood cells counts to come back up take the fever from his body and whatever is causing it so that he can continue to gain the strength he will need to take the chemo and afford his family the finances they are in need of to pay these bills and to get him the prosthetic eye. We are standing on our Father father and we know that you are healing him as we ask. Please Father make provision of  favor and abundant blessings of healing in the name of Jesus Christ...Amen

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