Regret or rejoice????

This morning in prayer as I sat in the quiet of my little house, my window open taking in the fresh cool air. I felt truly blessed. I know I make fun of my little box apartment, but I have grown to love it, it is smaller than I ever thought I would be comfortable in but it does suffice for Wayde and I. It is clean, it is quiet, it provides warmth from the cold and cool from the heat and has been such a blessing of peace for the two of us. I feel truly blessed to have the friends that I do have, they genuinely love me and care for our well being, they always take time to let us know that we are loved and appreciated. I am blessed with the family that I have, I love my mom and my brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, and in~laws. We may not live in the fashion we had expected to be living in, but we are living, we may not be able to purchase the foods that we love, but we are eating, we may not be able to go out to eat and dates, but we have one another and there is much love in our hearts! 

 For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else. It is about your outlook towards life. You can either regret or rejoice. 

In order for us to live our lives completely and to receive the most satisfaction, we have to be willing to decipher the good even in the worst of times. Life is what you make out of it. If you let your situations get the best of you and refuse to see the good in every situation, then in fact you are letting your challenges overcome you, instead of overcoming them as you should. 

Though it is very hard to look at the positive in every situation as in situations of death, or bad break ups, but doing so is necessary to live life to its greatest potential. Never let your circumstances get the best of you, because you are better than that. Always hold your head up high, and look for the best in the worst of life. You have a choice, you can either regret or rejoice.
I am choosing to rejoice in my life, I refuse to live in regret, I refuse to whine about what I don't have, I am taking what I do have and doing the best I can do with it. I love me, I love my husband, I love my child and I love my grandchild. I am not going to sit and worry about being so far away for I know that God is working right now on getting us to where he needs for us to be. I am not letting finances get me down, we will make do with what we have and will let God worry about the lack of and what we need! He has never failed me yet and I don't think he will fail me in the future! I am living today for today, come what may I am holding my head up, I am wheeling with pride and I refuse to let anything or anyone get me down...Are you with me??? Are you willing to rejoice today or are you going to live in regret??? Think of it, the more you give thanks for the things you do have the more God knows how humble and appreciative you really are. 
My saying on a daily basis is Onward and Upward, and never looking back.....I love each and every one of you who come and share in my daily writing, who come and pray with us when there is such need and who allow us to pray for you! God bless and keep you filled with his abundant love, allow him to worry about the negative stuff and just give PRAISE for the positive!!!! 

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