Praying for baby Avery, may he continue to light up the room everywhere he goes!!!

~~~Prayers for baby Avery~~~

          This morning's blog will be a bit different than my usual morning is one I have waited for permission to write for a little while and I finally was granted that permission yesterday afternoon...As you all know I like to spotlight people who are going through rough patches so that more can come and pray for them. I am a firm believer that the more prayers we are sending up the more miracles we can produce. I know that God does not prioritize when it comes to prayers, he takes prayers no matter how large or small and answers each and every one of them. Still I know that the more prayers that we lift that they seem to be answered in the most miraculous of ways...I don't pretend to know God's system but I do know that I have seen to many miracles when mass prayer is lifted to doubt or to ask questions...Imagine your little baby boy being the picture of health, imagine each time you take him for his well baby check~ups...he is reported healthy and growing just fine...I see so many babies on facebook, all the wonderfully beautiful pictures of the newborns and then I follow them as they grow..It is a joy and a thrill to me to be allowed to be a part of these little ones lives, it is amazing to watch as they smile for the first time, as they begin to crawl, as the take their first step. I just became a MiMi in May and have shared all of the new things my little Chalmers has done with all of my friends on facebook. Imagine everything is going as planned, right on take your little one in, the check up is once again a great one and days later you notice that something is wrong...In Avery's case it was an enlarged pupil in his left eye..Imagine your entire world being turned upside down just that quickly.....Here is a story that I wish I was not writing about, but one that needs lots of prayers and even some donations if you have in your ability to do so. I will update as often as there are updates and  I will pray daily for this sweet little angel who never gets down, who is filled with smiles and as his grandmother say..."lights up the room everywhere he goes" 

Meet Avery 

He was diagnosed on February 1st 2012 with a race aggressive eye cancer named,
Retinoblastoma. On february 12th, the cancer filled eye had to be removed because there was nothing we could do to save it. After further testing, the cancer cells tested positive as a higher chance of coming back so the doctors determined that Avery needed extra treatment. He began his 6 month round of chemo on Wednesday February 27th. A benefit account has been set up for him at First National bank in  Lake Jackson, Texas or in Brazoria, Texas.... Account # 200220128. All proceeds go towards the mounting medical bills and also to help get Avery his prostetic eye. Unfortunately at the time he was diagnosed, he had no insurance. Thank you everyone for all the love, support and prayers to help Avery and his family get through this hard time. Avery has kept a smile on his face through everything! He lights up a room everywhere he goes!

    This is an account I received from Avery's grandmother Karen, Please if you will allow your hearts to open and feel the pain she is going through, I can't even imagine my reaction if this were happening to my little man.

"Dawn thank you so much and I'm sorry I'm just getting back with you, took a little break from FB. I would love for you to spotlight Avery on your blog. Avery was 23 months when he was diagnosed with Retinoblastoma Cancer on Feb. 1st. This is a very rare cancer of the eye, the Dr.'s should be able to catch this but in Avery's case his doctor did not catch it and it wasn't until we saw that his pupil was enlarged that his parents took him to the eye dr and they knew immediately what it was and after further test it showed that he had this rare form of cancer of the eye which only strikes kids between newborn and 2 years of age. Within a week Avery was at Texas Children's hospital having his eye removed. This cancer goes in stages from A to E and Avery was an E, the worst. He has now started chemo which he will do for 6 months. The chemo is being done because Avery has a higher chance of his cancer coming back and spreading to other parts of his body. So their hope is to kill these cells that could turn into cancer. Dawn there is also a Team AVERY page on FB. If you need anymore information just let me know. Thanks again for all the prayers and thank you for what you do. I enjoy all your uplifting post:)"

"Thank you so much Dawn you are so very sweet and have such a good heart. Yes I love this little man with all my heart and it was very hard for all of us but especially for his mom. You know how you say if you could trade places with your child you would so you could take the pain away. I would have traded places with Avery in a heart beat just so he would not have to go thru the pain he has and is going thru and living with one eye. He is so strong though Dawn he amazes me everyday. He has been sick with the Chemo and he will be walking and throw up and just keep doing with what he was doing nothing puts him down. He has taught us all so much and showed us what is really important in life. He is truly my HERO:)) His mom has been very strong for him even though it is killing her, its really hard because Kasey and Ronnie are only 24, alot to deal with at such a young age but they are doing awesome, they just want there little guy to be ok. Also feel free to change any of the info I gave you on Avery or if you need to add anything to it. Thanks again Dawn:)"

Our loving Father in heaven we bow our heads humbly and come to you on bended knees asking for mercy, favor, and a miracle for this sweet angel of yours. Father you are hearing our pleas for Avery, you are fully aware of all this sweet boy has been through and continues to go through. We ask in the name of Jesus Christ that you will lay hands upon his sweet little body and you will take away any cells that might be hiding and lingering so that there will be no further cancer in his little body. Father, Avery is love, he is hope, he is joy and he provides this unconditionally to all that know him, we know it is devastating for him to have to lose an eye but he is above this, where we feel the pain and the sadness he smiles, he laughs, he takes each incident as an adventure. Father we have learned so much in watching this baby go through so much, we have felt empathy  for his family, we have felt sheer and unconditional love for this angel who is teaching us daily about strength and will. We ask that you comfort not only Avery but also his mommy and daddy, his grandmother and all of his loved ones that have been praying so fervently. We are asking for the miracle of the cancer cells to be gone and never to reappear. In the name of Jesus Christ we ask these blessings. Amen.


Prayer Request said...

Dawn, we will dutifully pray in agreement with you for baby Avery, specifically that his chemotherapy is successful and that the sight in his remaining eye is preserved.

Dawn said...

God bless you and I am standing on my faith that his eye will be fine and that he will prosper in health and grow with no further cancer!

kim said...

Dawn, I am Averys other grandma and I thank you so much for the prayers. I do believe that the more people who pray, the better. Again, thank you and God Bless you.

Dawn said...

Hello other Grandma, I thank you for your kind words and I am believing there is a miracle in Avery's life!!!