~~~Urgent Call to Prayer~~~ Please if you will, JOIN us!!!

~~~~Urgent Call to Prayer~~~~

I have just seen that a very dear person in my life has had a heart attack and was life flighted to the hospital, she has received a stint and looks to be doing much better now, I don't have a lot of knowledge but I do know that she is in need of your prayers for health and healing. Father God we come to you and ask that you hold this child of yours in your arms and to provide her with knowledge that she will be fine, she will come through this attack and will return to strength and 100% health. Father allow her to feel the love of each of us who are lifting her in prayer and allow her the will to fight to achieve and receive a  restored heart, allow the stint to do what it is intended and take away any further risks of attack. In the name of Jesus Christ we come to you on bended knees asking for mercy, favor and healing. Amen. 

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