May you be blessed with opportunity....take off the blinders and the ear buds....see and hear what is laid at your feet!!!

Good morning all, it is a bright, bright, bright, sunshiney day:) 

I love mornings like this, the sun is pouring through my window, I am sitting in its path and absorbing all the warmth of this blessing and my bones feel good, my heart feels full, and my mind is clear. I could not ask for a better blessing than this so early in the day:) 

As I sat praying in the quiet of my little box apartment, feeling the love that resides within these walls, as I sat in the silence hearing only the hum of the refrigerator and remembering the laughter that Wayde and I shared as he was on his way out the door this morning, as I sit and take in the smell of lilac that brightens my senses and makes me smile...I am reminded that I may not be where I had expected I would be at age 51, but that I am alive, I am seeing, hearing, and smelling and that is all that is needed to continue having hope and to strengthen my faith. I thanked him over and over again for allowing me another day to "get it right"

When I say I am thankful for another day to "get it right" I mean that in every sense of the might wonder how can you "get it wrong" if all you do is sit in a chair or lay in a bed off and on all day can you sin when you are not even out and among people? I most probably would wonder that too, if I were not the person sitting here day in and day out...I watch the news and I become angry, I get loud...if any of you have spent a few hours watching a football game around know just how loud I can get....I get upset and shout out WHY when tragedy strikes, I sit on a pity pot sometimes forgetting that my faith will get me through, I feel like throwing in the towel many times, just literally giving up...where is my faith when I am in that state of mind? Where is my belief that God will get me through it when all I can do is cry and be filled with fear? Where is my..."take a deep breath and trust in God????" I never give up on my faith but I sure do push it to the back burner when the kitchen gets hot!!!

As I closed my prayers and lifted them to Jesus Christ marked special delivery to our Father in heaven, I just sat here...I sat and sat, and sat a little more! I let the sun wash across me, the warmth so amazing and I asked God, "what can I do for you today Father?" " What would please you more than anything else?" How can I be of service to others?" "How can I take a dull, drab, dark day and turn it into a love filled day for someone in need?" The answer that I felt coming back to me reduced me to tears..."it was as if HE was saying to me..."you have already done it!" "You sent a text wishing others a great day"," you allowed someone to know you are thinking of them", "you touched a heard of someone feeling very alone this morning", "you shared in prayer with your husband and lifted prayers up to me", "you are on the right track", "just keep your eyes open, your ears turned up high and see who I am sending to you that is in need of friendship"...I have no doubt that HE will send to me, off and on, those that will benefit from a kind word! And I am here to deliver it to them....God is so good and I love when he validates that I am on the right track...Have you made your request to him today? Have you asked him how you can be of service and have you executed when that person crossed your mind? He does not send people to your thoughts if they are not in need of you...think about this...if every time you ignore the promptings to make contact with someone that is in your many times have you not honored God? 
Just because you go to church on Sunday and pay your tithing or offering does not mean you are excused all week from doing God's bidding. Just because you kneel to pray in the mornings and evenings, does that excuse you from walking boldly in the footsteps of Christ and following what you know you should be doing, does it mean you do not have to be kind, that you do not have to smile and greet others, does it mean you do not have to open your eyes to see who is in need, does it mean you do not open your ears to hear the words, help me? Please if you do anything at all today, turn on your God meter and let the Holy Spirit work through you, when you walk hold your head up so you can see who you are being directed to, take the ear buds out and listen to who you should be hearing...let your light shine, if you must take of the light shade and let it spill out from all over people the loving, caring, kind, wonderful creation that God made...It will not only make a difference in another person's life. it will change yours forever....Go forth and DO!!!

Don't let a second pass you by!!!! When you are gone from this earth do you not want people to remember YOU for who you were and all of the GOOD that you did? 
"To the world you might be just one person, but to one person you just might be the world"
Reach out your hand and help someone to their feet today!!
God bless you with opportunity!!!

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