Step over the pile of poo and walk on!!!!!!!

Good morning and happy Thursday to you, it is once again cooler and rainy out this morning, I tell you the seasons are in total confusion as to which one will become!!! I sure will be happy  to see the rains and the cold move out and the warmth of spring march boldly through.

This morning as I knelt in prayer, and lifted the families suffering loss of loved one I had to include a family that I love and have loved for almost as long as I have been here in Utah, a family that lost their mother, grandmother on Monday and thanks to a very dear friend I was able to listen via phone to the service, my joints would not allow me to be out today, I can barely get around and manipulating the stairs would be to much for me! I will make a call on the family in a few days and let them know that I was with them today, just not in body. I prayed for the Miller family and for the Brand family as they go about the hard task of planning funerals and making preparations of saying "until we meet again" Father God warm the hearts of each of these families and allow them to feel the presence of their loved ones all around them, allow them the knowledge that you will not let them go through this heartache alone and that one day when they are called home their love one will be right there at the gate eagerly awaiting them. 

I sat in the quite for some time and asked God what can I write about today, what is needed written down that it might touch a heart in need, who is swimming in the darkness looking for the lighthouse and who is sinking in quick sand looking for a hand to pull them out....I sat in the silence, my mind totally relaxed and felt the spirit come over me with thought....
I will share with you now what I felt that God was prompting me to share with you...

What is PEACE? Do you have PEACE in your life? Where do you find PEACE? 

I was sitting having my morning coffee with our Father in heaven and I though wow how peaceful it is here, sitting looking out the window at the birds on the feeder, at the gentle sway of the breeze softly ringing my chimes, at the flowers growing in the planter and the quiet all around...yes we live in an apartment complex, which sometimes, can be filled with constant noise, our apartment is on the back side in a corner and the neighbors in our building are very respectful of others, there is rarely any noise and the conversations with neighbors are, many times, a friendly hello and how are you doing. It is amazing to be able to sit and just enjoy a quiet world...So the answer to one of my YES, I have peace in my home life...

To me PEACE is being content, being happy, not playing in to drama, not being plagued with the silliness and inane nonsense of others, to love to come into your home because it offers you comfortable calm...
To me PEACE is being able to go to sleep each night not battling the demons of your day, not worrying about the wrongs you have done, not feeling guilty for things you said and did, not begging God to forgive you for the things you continue to do each and every day that you know are not right in his eyes! 
To me PEACE is having a harmonious relationship with people, not just your friends, but with all people, it is smiling at everyone you come into contact with, it is stopping to help someone that visibly needs assistance, it is holding the door for others when you are entering or leaving. It is being kind to everyone...
To me PEACE is love, it is taking your heart and sharing it with others, it is knowing that at the end of the day you have done your dead level best to be a true example of Christ.

Where do you find PEACE? In every footstep you take, in every breath that you take, in every direction that your eyes wonder, in every thought that you have...YOU are in charge of the PEACE in your life, you can see the glass half empty, you can see the glass half full or you can just thank God for allowing you to have the glass..It is all a matter of attitude, when you feel that you are walking into the snakes den, you don't have to keep walking, it is your choice whether you turn around or you keep going. When you are sucked into drama, it is your choice to engage in it or to say, I choose not to be a part of this...before you know it, the drama will be presented to you less and less because of your no drama attitude, when you feel like a stick of dynamite about to explode over situations that you have no control over.....find a calm place and ask GOD to take it from you...automatically you will feel the PEACE within...
PEACE is a matter of what are you choosing today, to live with chaos, drama, stress and unrest in your life or are you going to step over the pile of poo and walk on???

May today PEACE be with you, may your heart be filled with God's love and understanding and my your soul be filled with kindness and contentment!

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