Come and pray with us for the people in Oklahoma!

Prayer Warriors, I am calling out to you to get on bended knees and pray for all of Oklahoma, the city of Moore has been devastated by a terrible EF5 tornando that has left nothing but collapse in this town, I have just spoken to a sweet friend who has family there in this very town, she has made contact with her uncle but there is no new as of yet as to how the other members of her family are doing....

As I sit and watched reel after reel of footage my heart grows more and more sad, it is so tragic to know that in the blink of an eye our worlds can change so drastically,

Father God I bow my head and come to you in sheer humility, this tragedy that has taken place in Oklahoma has touched so many lives, has torn so many families apart, has caused so many to lose literally everything they have worked for all of their lives. Father wrap your love filled robes around each and every citizen in Moore Oklahoma, bless them with the peace that only you can provide and allow them to know that you are with them each step of the way. Bless the ones who are finding out now that they have lost members of their families, comfort them with you abundant love and fill them with calm and comfort. In the name of Jesus Christ we come to the only one that can carry them through.Amen

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