1 thessalonians 5:17..."Pray without ceasing" Lets do this!!!!


 Hello and happy Biggest Loser Tuesday, I love this show and am so inspired by the effort the contestants put in! What grit then all have and what a story each of them have to tell!
    I pray this day has been filled with so much love and joy and that no matter what obstacles you have encountered that you told them your God can lead you over the hurdle and up the side of that mountain straight to the top! I pray that you know that no matter how bad the storm gets that you have the biggest and brightest light house guiding you in to safe harbors! Life is what we choose to make it, life is attitude and gratitude! When we rise up in the morning we need to thank our Lord for another day and then we need to give our all at being the best we can be, let us not allow negative forces to drain our positive, if you are being sucked in by negatives....turn and walk away! Don't let anyone take your grace, your character or your spirit!
   Tonight I invite you to pray with me, pray for the sick, the ones in rehab, those in treatment, all of the unborn babies, all of the new babies, for those struggling with infertility,  all of the ones suffering financial issues, all of those struggling with depression, struggling with unruly children, those struggling with personal faith and belief. I have several special specific prayers if you would join me, a granddaughter of a dear friend in Christ who was hit by a car suffering brain trauma, in ICU, another friend who's daughter was hit by a car some time ago who has struggled with paralysis and many internal problems, a sweet facebook friend who is struggling to hold her unborn child for another 8 weeks, my sweet friends daugher who went through emergency appendectomy a few days ago, the Brandon in my comments yesterday who was really struggling with life issues, my friend Ildiko's daughter who has head trauma due to a dive, so many are in need, another long time friend who's sweet baby girl was born 7 weeks early and is only 2 lbs 6 ozs. another friend who's son is struggling with drug addiction and one struggling with school and obedience,  Father hold each of these in your loving arms, hold them with your healing hands, give knowledge to the physicians. Father, allow your strength to be the strength needed to weather the storms and to pull through, father allow your love to provide peace calm and comfort in all aspects of life here on earth. Allow your blessings to be in abundance for all of those we are lifting to you this day; so that they can give the best treatment possible. Raise your hands to the heaven with me if you will and pray for all of these issues, pray with true intent and with faith that if it be our heavenly Father's will, that miracles will occur and by his hands healing will take place! We love you so much Father and we know you will for us to be the best that we can be, please in the name of our savior, Jesus Christ, bless each and every one of us with our needs father, you know us by name, you know us by our hearts, and you know where we struggle, lead us and guide us so that we can return home one day! God bless each of you  and thank you for always standing in agreement with me in my requests for prayers! 

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