My heart aches because the ones I love are aching.....

I pray your Thursday has been filled with love and joy...

In life it is funny how we can not even know a person and feel such grief and sadness at news of their is odd when the ones we love are hurting how it hurts our hearts as well. When I met Wayde four years ago, I had the privilege of meeting his two sons as well. John and James have stolen my heart, they are two young men that I am so proud to call my step~sons and they are two young men that I admire, that I respect and that I feel great love for. Today I discovered that a man that these two have so much love for, so much admiration for and so much respect for was killed in a car accident with his 6 year old son yesterday. When I was told the news this evening my heart ached, I got in the shower and cried for the pain that "my two boys" were feeling. I hate it when my "kids" hurt, and I consider these two "my kids" I did not give birth to them but thanks be to God, I have gotten to share the last 4 years with them and find myself aching inside knowing that they are hurting. Please lift in prayer with me the both of them asking God to give them special comfort, asking God to calm them with the knowledge that this mans body is free from any pain or impurity, that his little son is not scared and is in the eternities with his daddy where there will be no grief, there will be no sadness, there will be nothing but love and pure, sheer, joy. Please lift with me asking God to provide peace and calm for "my two boys" as they continue to realize that this tragedy has indeed happened and that their friend is gone in body. Please pray with me for them to feel the spirit of their friend each day that they know he is forever with them. I ask blessings, mercy, grace, peace, calm, and comfort for his family as they deal with this pain of loss and for all who have been touched and affected by this man, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.

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