Starting today I will become a donor...a smile and love donor!!!!

Good morning and happy hump day, I pray your day is off to a good start and that it will be one filled with only good things for you and yours, As I sit here by my front window, watching the world awaken, I look at the sunrise with wonder as to what this day will never know??? I apologize for venting yesterday, I really do try never to let my woes crash upon anyone else's heads but yesterday I felt very alone and just needed to get it out of my mind and off of my heart. I thank you so much for the gracious prayers that were lifted for me and for all of the uplifting and inspiring words. I also thank you to the one that offered to let me come and live with them...that was so heart touching. 

In prayer this morning I have gone back to the basics, I said the Lord's prayer with humility in my heart and thanked him for the loving us through our hard times just as he does in our good times, I thanked him for placing each of you in my life and for allowing me to feel comfortable enough to share my fears and frustrations with you. I may be down but I am not our Father, I may appear to be beaten but with your strength and might I will rise from the ashes and I will soar, I will hold my head up and not allow satan to destroy me, I refuse to allow anything but your love guide. Thank you for your patience and for your perseverance during my trials and thank you for never stepping away from me even during the times when I have stepped away from myself. Please God continue to hold Wayde and I in your arms and protect us from the come what may. With you in our corner I know we might stumble but we will never fail. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask for mercy, grace, peace, calm, and comfort for all. Amen.

I came across this little read this morning and thought to myself, I want to be a donor, not just after I die but starting today I am going to be....I love this and if we all would agree to be a living, smile sharing, love giving, donor... our world would be a much more kind and gentle place. God bless each of you with enough today that you can give away...remember it cost nothing to give a kind word and a heart felt smile and yours might be the one that saves a life this very day! 

Be A Donor

My children gave me a new wallet as a Father’s Day present this year. It was the perfect gift choice considering the moldy, worn, lump of leather I had been using was well past its prime. I took the opportunity as well to toss out any cards, notes, or scraps of paper in it that were no longer needed. As I emptied out the old wallet I was amazed at how much it held. Gingerly I went through its contents piece by piece and moved them to their new home. As I was looking at them I came across the organ donor card that I had signed nine years ago. Thankfully, it hadn’t yet been called into use. Still, it felt good knowing that if something should ever happen to me I would be giving another person here a second chance at life. 

As I placed the card into my new wallet I started thinking about all the other things we can donate to help others today. We can donate our time. We can donate our talents. We can share our wisdom. We can give our kindness. We can bless others with our laughter. We can shine our light into the darkness. We can donate every bit of love and joy inside of us. And the greatest thing of all is that when we do, we find that we have even more to share than when we started. That is one of our Heavenly Father’s greatest miracles: the more you give to others the more God gives to you. The more you shower others with your love, the more God showers your soul with His. 

If you wish then by all means sign an organ donor card so you can give something back after you die, but don’t be afraid to also give something now while you are still alive. Be a donor. Make your entire life here a gift to others. Donate all those wonderful things inside of you to make this world a better and brighter place. Give with a cheerful heart and a loving spirit. Give from the fullness of your soul and then watch as God fills it even fuller.

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