thank you all for letting me vent.....I appreciate prayers.

Hello and happy Tuesday to all, it is nicer out again today, I don't have my air on, the windows are open wide and very comfortable in my little home. I have not been on as much lately and for this I apologize, I guess I have been spending more time than not ont he pity pot of life, I know that satan is working long hours and hard labor trying to win me over, he is not succeeding, I am fighting longer and harder to keep on the right side of the tracks...a difficult job but one that I know will be worth it in the end.

Have you ever just sat and prayed, prayed, prayed and it seemed the more you prayed the worse the problem became? I have been praying for our very livelihood, for the ability to just be able to pay our bills and keep food on the table and the more I pray the less the money comes in, now Wayde has been cut back to half the hours we have been getting on his paycheck, he is looking fast and furiously for another job to at least bring us back up to the hours he was making. It is very hard to live off of 10.00 per hour when you are getting 40 per week, but when it is cut to 20/25 per week it is not going to happen. My disability decision has been put on the back burner once again so we are not any closer to a new ruling than we were 6 months ago...grrrrr, why does it have to be so hard? I finally bit the bullet and began taking on line classes to become a minister and the bottom fell out of the proverbial satan that fearful of me becoming a minister???... our pantry is near empty, our vehicle on empty, our spirit light is barely burning....but our faith is still shining brightly, each morning we arise and thank God for allowing us another wake up, we do not know "how" we will make it through this, but we do know that "somehow" we will...Father God, I know you see our needs, I know you feel our anxiety, I know you hear our prayers...I am here to confess today that sometimes I do sit and worry, worry, worry, but today I am laying my troubles in your hands, I am turning it all over to you in the knowledge that you will not allow us to sink, you will keep us afloat and we will continue to breath. Father God hold Wayde and I in your loving arms and comfort us in this hour of need. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

I came across this little story and thought it very fitting for me today, yes I am worried what will come my way tomorrow, next week, next month, I worry so much that I forget how to life for today....taking a deep breath I know we will make it and I am going to practice making it one day at a time...sweet Jesus, one day at a time...

One Page At A Time

I have the bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book to see how it ends while I am still in the middle of it. This habit annoyed first my Mom, then my friends, and finally even my own daughter. Often my impatience wouldn’t be confined just to the books I read but also to what they were reading as well. Finally one day my daughter told me in exasperation, "Dad please just read a book one page at a time like everyone else!" 

At times I haven’t limited this bad habit to just books either. I have also tried to skip ahead in my own life and figure out what to do months and even years from now instead of embracing each day as God intended. I knew that the book of my life wasn’t done yet and that I had many pages left to go. Still, that didn’t stop me from trying to write the ending half-way through. Time and again, I would foolishly jump ahead and try to solve every conceivable problem before it happened so I could reach that storybook happily ever after ending. Life, however, doesn’t work like that. God loves to surprise us, and you never know what new problem, change, or opportunity each new day will bring. 

God in His loving wisdom has often had to remind me to relax, slow down and find His love and joy in each day. Recently when I found myself returning to that bad habit of rushing ahead and living in the future again, I found His truth coming from the lips of a special soul who gently told me I needed to "live one day at a time." When I heard those words I smiled, turned the book of my life back to the right page, and thanked God for today. 

There is no skipping ahead in the book of life. Each of us has to live it one page and one day at a time. Each of us has to have faith in God to help us to write it line by line and moment by moment. Each of us has to trust that our Heavenly Father will bring our story to its perfect end.

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