Don't judge me please...~~Just love me~~~


 Good evening! I pray that this day has been filled with love, joy and laughter:) It has been a wonderful day here, got to spend some wonderful time with my 2 g~babe boys, they always make me laugh and never cease to amaze me at how smart and funny they are! Gotta love the babes:)
     I was in prayer this afternoon, just felt the need to have a conversation with him as I was having trouble dealing with people. I will never understand how people can go through life feeling like the world owes them something, feeling like for every good deed they do, they are owed something. I will never understand why we cannot do nice things for people without, as Wayde says, " them having an angle of what they will get in return" I was asking God for guidance and was impressed with the a way~~~ I was judging them for their actions...yes he gets on to me sometimes when I am having a struggle and I need not sit there and judge anyone for their actions...I must just pray that they see the error and that they begin to realize the hurt they cause other! I have to let God handle their actions as I cannot change them..again I say, all I can do is pray for them!! If you get caught up in the judging phase of life...let it go, let God be the judge, he is the one and only judge! Let him do the bidding and you take the time to pray for the very ones who are causing you pain and anger! I love each of you and know that we all have struggles and we all have hurdles to jump, I am asking God to lay the hurdles down and allow us to step over them, to place a staircase on the side of the mountain so that we can climb with ease, I pray for you in all facets of your life and ask God to bless you abundantly:)
    Have a wonderful evening everyone! Be safe and remember your life is very important to God!!!


Anonymous said...

Savanna has appendicitis. Possiblibly ruptured. Going in for surgery soon prayers please

Dawn said...

Father in heaven, we bow our head humbly and ask that you will hold this child in your loving and healing hands and bring her through this emergency surgery without incident. Father bless her and her family with your calm, comfort and peace and all your strength to you be theirs! We love you Father God and live in faith and knowledge that with you all things are possible! in Jesus name I pray, amen!

Anonymous said...

Savanna is resting comfortably. Thank you for the prayers. Will be here 3 -4 days. Blessings